House Of Mother Tongue (HOMT) is an ongoing project exploring both the juxtaposition and alignment of African and

British cultures.

It uses a multi-disciplinary approach to examine the two, in order to engage,

embrace and embody the evolving discourse around African fashion

and its place within contemporary luxury.

Art plays a big role in HOMT's work, helping to illustrate the exploration of contemporary luxury fashion

through the lens of cultural codes, customs, community and modernity.

I AM LUXURY, Film, 2023

Untitled, Photograph. Olivia Overton. 2018.

Untitled. Photograph. Danny Kasirye, 2018.

Untitled, Photograph. Olivia Overton, 2018.

ENTER to explore more.

Blue Magic, 2021.

Mrs Overton, 2020

ENTER to explore more.

Grandma. Photos from family archive.

ENTER to explore more.

Datum, 2018.